10112 Methods, simulations and experiences on DC-traction interference on pipeline networks

Monday, March 15, 2010: 3:05 PM
214 B (Henry B. Gonzales Convention Center)
Leslie Bortels*1, Jacques Parlongue1, Peter-John Stehouwer2, and Kees Dijkstra2
(1)Elsyca NV; (2)N.V. Nederlandse Gasunie
Gasunie, The Netherlands, is a gas transmission operator with about 12.000 km of pipeline. Most of these pipelines are situated in congested right-of-ways (ROW’s), including 1500 V DC traction systems. Looking at the Gasunie field measure­ments it can be concluded that about 50% of the pipeline network is under interference of stray current.

To get a better understanding of DC-traction interference, Gasunie started a joint working group with the Dutch Railway (ProRail). This technical committee aims at a better understanding of theo­re­tical and practical principals of DC-traction stray current. It tries to approve field proce­dures and to get information on what has to be done to solve CP-related problems.

In order to get a better idea of the theoretical principles of DC-traction interference and advanced simulation model has been used and fitted to be in line with the Dutch railway parameters.

In this presentation it will be demonstrated how the field measurement technique that has been designed based on the model will be used. It will be discussed how the measured data needs to be interpreted to determine the rail resistance to earth and the risk area’s for the pipelines.

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