Wednesday, March 17, 2010: 11:15 AM
214 C (Henry B. Gonzales Convention Center)
Marina Cabrini, Sergio Lorenzi*, Paolo Marcassoli, and Tommaso Pastore
University of Bergamo
The paper deals with problems connected to erosion-corrosion of steel in contact with flowing fresh concrete. Results of erosion-corrosion tests on carbon steel and AISI316L steel are reported in order to understand damage mechanism and corrosion behavior of materials with different corrosion resistance and hardness. Electrochemical tests were conducted on rotating electrode device (cylindrical and disk electrodes were considered) in fresh mortar manufactured by using opportune chemical admixtures in order to retain constant workability during long time tests.  SEM analysis on tested specimens was also conducted to evaluate damage morphology caused by particle impact. Damage on tested specimens becomes evident at about 100 rpm and corrosion rate increment can be noticed at about 300 rpm. Corrosion conditions seems to be mainly determined by anodic process (passivation current density).