10255 Simultaneous online monitoring of SRB activity and corrosion rate

Thursday, March 18, 2010: 11:15 AM
214 A (Henry B. Gonzales Convention Center)
Tesfa Haile*1, Reeta D. Sooknah2, Sankara Papavinasam3, Doug Gould4, and Orlando Dinardo4
(1)CANMET Materials Technology Laboratory; (2)NSERC; (3)CANMET Materials Technology Lab; (4)CANMET Mining and Minerals Scicences Laboratories
The applicability of a sulphide oxidase (SO) based biosensor to online monitor sulphate-reducing bacteria (SRB) activity was evaluated by determining biogenic sulphide production in a SRB-reactor. Facultative Actinomycete strain FR-3 was used as a source of SO enzyme. The SO enzyme was immobilized in a graphite paste along with a co-factor 7, 7, 8, 8-tetracyanoquinodimethane (TCNQ). 

The corrosion rate of a carbon steel electrode immersed in the same SRB reactor was monitored by electrochemical polarization resistance technique. 

The response of biosensor to sulphide ion correlated well with solution analysis of sulphide ion as well as with the corrosion rate.


biosensor, enzyme electrode, SRB, MIC, electrochemistry, online monitoring