10335 Localized corrosion performance evaluation of CRAs in sweet environments with acetic acid at ambient temperature and 180oC

Tuesday, March 16, 2010: 4:45 PM
217 C (Henry B. Gonzales Convention Center)
Toshiyuki Sunaba*, Hiroshi Honda, and Yasuyoshi Tomoe
Produced fluids from deep, hot gas wells are often accompanied by low molecular weight organic acids in Australia, Japan in addition to Southeast Asia regions. Influences of organic acids on corrosion performances of corrosion resistant alloys (CRAs) are evaluated in high temperature sweet environments. It is considered that organic acids, such as acetic acid, have some adverse effects on the protectiveness of passive films (oxides and/or sulfides), in addition to the pH lowering effect.

In this present study, influences of acetic acid on localized corrosion performances of Super 13Cr, 15Cr, and 22Cr Duplex stainless steels (SS) are mainly studied in sweet environments at ambient temperature and 180oC.

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