10186 Development of a Novel Test Procedure to Understand and Mitigate Black Powder Formation in Sales Gas Pipelines

Monday, March 15, 2010: 3:30 PM
217 D (Henry B. Gonzales Convention Center)
Sunder Ramachandran*1, Kyle Cattanach1, Vladimir Jovancicevic1, and Abdelmounam M. Sherik2
(1)Baker Hughes; (2)Saudi Aramco
Black powder is formed and commonly observed in most sales and transmission gas pipelines.  Despite low general corrosion rates, pipeline systems with large diameters and large pipeline lengths can experience the formation of large quantities of black powder.  Innovative test procedures are needed to understand the process of black powder formation and develop strategies for its mitigation.  In this paper, previously published literature is reviewed with the aim of understanding how black powder forms and to aid in the design of experiments that can measure black powder formation.  Several simple experiments are described that attempt to recreate pipeline conditions.  The ability of different mitigation steps such as those that involve the use of corrosion inhibiting chemicals will be described.  The work will aid the development of future measures to retard black powder formation in sales gas lines.