10298 Electrochemical properties of pipeline steel X-65 in dilute HCO3-/CO32- solutions

Tuesday, March 16, 2010: 9:35 AM
210 A/B (Henry B. Gonzales Convention Center)
Li Yan*1, Robert Grant Worthingham2, and Fraser King3
(1)NOVA Chemicals Research & Technology Center; (2)TransCanada Pipelines; (3)Integrity Corrosion Consulting, Ltd.
Corrosion and near-neutral pH SCC under shielding coating, i.e., PE tape coating, continue to be integrity issues for underground oil/gas transmission pipelines. The electrical shielding nature of the coating makes it difficult to identify locations of concern based on above-ground methods. It has been aimed to develop a predictive model to determine the consequences for corrosion and near-neutral pH SCC under disbonded shielding coating. This study is intended to examine the electrochemical properties of pipeline steel X-65 in dilute HCO3-/CO32- solutions, and to generate essential inputs, i.e., Ecorr, Tafel slopes, and reaction rate constants for the anodic and cathodic reactions occurring on the pipeline surface, for the predictive model. In this study, three dilute HCO3-/CO32- solutions, i.e., 10 mM, 20 mM, and 50 mM, have been used to simulate the trapped water composition, and the pH of the solution was adjusted by purging N2 gases containing 0 ~ 100% CO2 to achieve the typical pH of the trapped water under a disbonded shielding coating, i.e., pH 5.5 to 7.5.   The results from the experiments show that the corrosion process of X65 carbon steel in dilute HCO3- solutions involves Fe – 2e- à Fe2+ as the anodic half reaction coupled with H+ + e- à H2 as the cathodic half reaction. The anodic half reaction is under mixed diffusion-electrochemical control, while the cathodic half reaction is electrochemically controlled. The Tafel slopes for both anodic and cathodic reactions vary with HCO3-/CO32- concentration. Additionally, a current-peak has been observed on the cathodic polarization curve at the cathodic overpotential range of -0.95 V to -0.75 V.