2822 Evaluation of Biocide Solution for Effective MIC Control

Tuesday, October 7, 2008: 3:35 PM
Virginia City I (Flamingo Las Vegas)
Bei Yin , Dow Biocides, Buffalo Grove, IL
Michael Enzien , Dow Biocides, Buffalo Grove, IL
Fred Singleton , Dow Biocides, Buffalo Grove, IL
Microbially Influenced Corrosion (MIC), a significant phenomenon in industry, has received increasing attention in the last two decades. The physical presence of biofilm on a metal surface, as well as the metabolic activities of the microbial denizens, can cause and accelerate corrosion of the metal surface.  Microbial cells embedded in a biofilm matrix are less sensitive to biocides than planktonic cells in the overlying water.  In this study, several biocides commonly used for water treatment and a few promising experimental compounds were evaluated in a high throughput assay to determine the most efficacious substances for effective biofilm control.  Biocidal compounds that were effective for controlling biofilms are being evaluated for their ability to control MIC.