3083 Proposed Algorithm for Life Time Prediction for Small Diameter Low Carbon Steel Pipelines Under Scaling Solutions and Different Electrolytic Conditions

Monday, October 6, 2008: 2:20 PM
Laughlin III (Flamingo Las Vegas)
Dr. Homero Castaneda , Battelle-Columbus, Columbus, OH
Dr. Brian Leis , Battelle Memorial Institute, Columbus, OH
Dr. Jorge Alamilla , Mexican Petroleum Institute, Mexico City, Mexico
Internal corrosion is considered a serious treat for small diameter pipeline integrity due to the difficult to monitor the state of a structure when is under operation conditions. Electrochemical techniques based on time domain techniques such as LRP, Tafel or potentidynamic for either laboratory or field conditions estimate the corrosion rate in terms of kinetics theory. Dissolution rates can be estimated based on Frequency domain technique results, such as EIS (Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy), this technique combines the interfacial properties of the corrosion dissolution and the elements of the electrochemical cell.  In this work a flow cell under experimental conditions is used to characterize the mechanisms of carbon steel dissolution exposed to cooling water and in presence and absence of an inhibitor. We propose an algorithm that considers the corrosion rates results as part of a simulated pipeline under real conditions, this results are included in a life prediction calculation based on the mechanical pipe performance. The time evolution damage by corrosion is modeled by a random walk, where corrosion rate, pressure of the pipe, inhibitor and fluid conditions are considered.