20241 Spectroscopy analysis of corrosion in electronic devices and equipments of automotive industry in arid and marine environments

Tuesday, August 2, 2011: 3:00 PM
Gustavo Lopez*1, Benjamin Valdez2, Michael Schorr2, Hugo Tiznado3, and Gerardo Soto3
(1)Engineering and Enviroment Academy, East Campus (Plantel Oriente), UNIVER, Mexicali, Baja California, Mexico.; (2)Engineering Institute,University of Baja California, Mexicali, B.C. Mexico.; (3)Nanosciences and Nanotechnology Center, National University of Mexico
Spectroscopy analysis of corrosion in electronic devices and equipments of automotive industry in arid and marine environments

G. Lopez1, B. Valdez2, M. Schorr2, H.Tiznado3, G. Soto3

1 Engineering Academy, East Campus (Plantel Oriente), UNIVER, Mexicali, B. C.,  Mexico.

2 Engineering Institute,University of Baja California,  Mexicali, B.C. Mexico.

3 Nanosciences and Nanotechnology Center, National University of Mexico, Ensenada, B. C., Mexico.


The generation of corrosion in electronic industries that fabricates devices and equipment to motor vehicles, has been important in recent years because of complexity of electronic systems. The competition is governed in electronic equipments for such vehicles, with largest number of operations and reduction of size at low cost. This leads the modification of designs with smaller spaces between electronic devices, and when exits microclimates not regulated in indoor of automotive plants, generate the corrosion process. In most cases, car companies do not know the phenomenon of corrosion or not are considered as an important factor, until it causes severe damage in the operation of cars and high expenses are occurred. This study was conducted in Mexicali (arid zone) and Tijuana (marine zone), in Baja California, Mexico, that are borders cities with Calexico and San Diego, California, USA. In these regions, each year, the air pollutants exceed, especially in the winter season, the air quality standards set by environmental agencies in Mexico and USA. Atmospheric corrosion generated in electronic devices and equipments used in car, is caused by harsh environments in indoor of automotive industrial plants in both cities. This is originated by drastic variations of climate factors, as levels of relative humidity of 70% and temperatures of 30° C, combined with air pollutants such as dust, hydrogen sulfide (H2S), sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen oxides (NOX and chloride ions (Cl-.

Key words. Corrosion, electronic devices, electronic equipments, climate factors.

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