20355 Advanced 2K and 1K Topside Coatings for the U.S. Navy

Tuesday, August 2, 2011: 2:00 PM
Erick B. Iezzi*1, James Tagert2, James Martin3, John Wegand3, Paul Slebodnick3, Colton Spicer4, and Edward J. Lemieux3
(1)SAIC; (2)Vision Point Systems; (3)Naval Research Laboratory; (4)Vision Point systems c/o Naval Research Laboratory
The Naval Research Laboratory has recently developed advanced two-component (2K) and single-component (1K) coatings to replace the traditional and often problematic silicone alkyd topside coatings on U.S. Navy ships.  The two-component systems are based on a unique formulation of commercially available siloxane-based materials that together provide color stable and gloss retentive coatings with superior performance to silicone alkyds.  The single-component systems are based on a novel and proprietary resin that provides even greater exterior durability than the aforementioned two-component siloxanes, while also engendering formulations that is low in VOCs, non-toxic, curable over a wide range of conditions, and designed for use by ship’s force. Both systems can be applied over primed or bare steel surfaces in a conventional manner (spray, brush or roll). 
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