20565 Introducing Products to DoD Using Specifications and Standards

Monday, August 1, 2011: 11:45 AM
Flores Ballroom 5-8 (La Quinta Resort & Club)
Robert Herron*1 and Anthony T. Eng2
(1)Army RDECOM; (2)Naval Surface Warefare Center
Part of the strategy to mitigate the overall effects of corrosion is to make it easier for companies to participate in the process, specifically to develop a more uniform process to qualify effective new products for DoD and related agency use.  From DoD’s perspective, a standard process is needed to make the corrosion mitigation needs visible to industry while quickly weeding out those proposed products that are not effective in fighting corrosion, or do not have a sufficient return on investment to warrant further testing and use.

To help accomplish both of these objectives, the Specifications, Standards and Qualification Process Work Integrated Product Team (SSQP WIPT), a sub-team of the DoD Corrosion Prevention and Control Integrated Product Team (CPCIPT), has started development of key management tools.  This presentation will describe the specification and standards product qualification process, demonstrate the Product Introduction Web Tool for products that conform to existing specifications utilized by DoD Agencies, and how to initiate a review of new products or technologies not covered by existing specifications or standards.  Other areas that will be discussed and/or demonstrated are:


  1. Informational sources and links on how to sell products to DoD and its agencies.  Descriptions of the product qualification process and sources such as SD-6 and SD-20 that describe the general product qualification process and the responsibilities of both the DoD agency and the supplier.
  2. Discuss the utilization of the Product Introduction Web Tool to determine if a product is covered by an existing specification or standard and obtain information on potential product introduction paths.