10095 Laboratory Testing of Volatile Corrosion Inhibitor

Thursday, March 18, 2010: 10:00 AM
206 A/B (Henry B. Gonzales Convention Center)
Yves Gunaltun*1, Marc Singer2, Tong Eak Pou3, Claude Duret4, and Stephane Espitalier5
(1)Total SA . seconded at PTTEP (Thailand); (2)Ohio University; (3)ARKEMA; (4)Correx; (5)Talisman Malaysia Limited
For the control of top of line corrosion (TLC) in the multiphase wet gas lines the best technique currently available on the market is the TLCC-PIG (or spray pig). The main disadvantages are firstly the necessity of monthly treatment which may not compatible with the production requirements and secondly relatively low efficiency which is around 70-75 % if applied on monthly basis. The author’s company decided to work with a corrosion inhibitor manufacturer in order to develop volatile corrosion inhibitors. The development project started in 2004. After a series of preliminary tests in an independent laboratory, one promising molecule was selected for loop testing. The loop tests were finalised in 2007. The volatile product is mixed with a bottom line corrosion inhibitor, tested separately, in order to have a single injection point for bottom line and top of line corrosion inhibitors. The formulated product was field tested in 2008 and early 2009. This paper summarises the preliminary results and corrosion loop test results.  The results of field testing will be presented separately.