11411 Use of Anion Inhibitors to Minimize Corrosion of USS Monitor Artifacts

Wednesday, March 16, 2011: 2:45 PM
Room 320 E (George R. Brown Convention Center)
C. Sean Brossia*1, Eric Nordgren2, David Krop2, and Elsa Sangouard2
(1)DNV Columbus; (2)The Mariners' Museum
Artifacts from The USS Monitor, a U.S. Civil War era battleship, have been recovered from the site where the Monitor sank and are presently undergoing archeological study and preservation at The Mariners’ Museum. Of concern is the continued degradation of the artifacts due to corrosion. The present condition, corrosion rate, and other characteristics of the artifacts were assessed and reported on previously. Recent work has been aimed at mitigation methods including the use of cathodic protection and anionic inhibitors.