11404 Critical Wall Shear Stresses of CuNi Alloys Revisited

Wednesday, March 16, 2011: 10:45 AM
Room 320 E (George R. Brown Convention Center)
Bernd Sagebiel*1, Guenter Schmitt2, Ralf Feser3, Christos Kapsalis1, Maik Macziek4, Jeremy Wade2, and Sebastian Wilmes2
(1)KME Germany AG & Co KG; (2)IFINKOR-Institute for Maintenance and Corrosion Protection Technology n.f.p.Ltd.; (3)South-Westfalia University of Applied Sciences; (4)Eucaro Buntmetall GmbH
Using the electrochemical noise (ECN) controlled submerged jet flow the critical wall shear stresses of CuNi alloys have been investigated at room temperature in untreated and chlorinated artificial and natural seawater. The alloy composition, the nature of protective corrosion product layers formed in different surface treatment procedures and the presence and concentration of hypochlorite significantly influence the resistance to flow induced localized corrosion (FILC). The performance of CuNi alloys in artificial seawater was found to be quite similar to the behaviour in natural seawater. The resistance of CuNi alloys to FILC appears to be significantly higher than previously reported in the literature.