20469 Repair and Repainting of CARC over Existing CARC

Wednesday, August 3, 2011: 3:00 PM
Sheri L. Sampson*1 and James Martin2
(1)Excet, Inc.; (2)Naval Research Laboratory
The repair and repainting of systems with Chemical Agent Resistant Coating (CARC) at United States Marine Corps (USMC) Corrosion Repair Facilities (CRF) main facilities is not always done in a consistent manner.  Different surface preparation methods and work flows are used at each of the CRF facilities.  Different areas of assets are also treated differently since some areas cannot be disassembled and some areas are difficult to access.   This has led to several surface preparation procedures being utilized on a single asset.  This may adversely affect the life cycle of the repaired coating.  By examining a variety of repair scenarios over cold-rolled steel, 6061 T6 Aluminum, and galvanized steel involving different surface preparations and surface cleaning techniques, the tradeoffs involved in choosing a given scenario can be identified.  This paper contains the results of repairing water reducible CARC over existing water reducible CARC.