11280 Corrosion Monitoring Equipment, a Review of Applications and Techniques

Wednesday, March 16, 2011: 8:25 AM
Room 320 D (George R. Brown Convention Center)
Thomas W. Pickthall Jr.*1, Marc D. McConnell2, Monique Rivera2, and Richard Vezis3
(1)EnhanceCo Inc; (2)PinnacleAIS; (3)Lobster Consulting
When we install corrosion monitoring equipment, we expect to gain insight on the integrity of our process equipment.  Why is it that we sometimes get less than definitive answers, or worse, sometimes get lulled into a false sense of security?  This discussion will be based on the correct (and sometimes incorrect) application of available corrosion monitoring technologies.  The best method of specifying the correct monitoring technology for the application is to understand the basics of how the equipment works, and then apply that knowledge to the situation at hand.  Standard methods will be discussed, as well as more advanced methods and the marriage of remote monitoring technologies with the existing equipment.  The objective of this discussion will be to provide enough information to guide the prospective equipment user with appropriate questions like;
  1. Will it work?
  2. What will it tell me?
  3. How am I supposed to interpret this?
  4. What do I need to know prior to installing the equipment to get the answers I need?
  5. What is the quality of the data?
  6. Is it telling me the truth?

“hypothetical” situations will be discussed to illustrate the benefits and deficiencies of different corrosion monitoring methods.