11219 A Novel Approach to Using THPS for Controlling Reservoir Souring

Monday, March 14, 2011: 4:10 PM
Room 342 A-D (George R. Brown Convention Center)
Chris R. Jones1, Brian L. Downward2, Stephanie Edmunds2, Kansas Hernandez3, Francis Smith3, and Tim Curtis*4
(1)Rhodia Novecare; (2)Rhodia UK Limited; (3)Rhodia Inc.; (4)Rhodia Inc
Biocides are traditionally used on a shot-dose, once per week, basis to control microbial proliferation within water injection systems. Whilst this approach can be highly effective for controlling biomass formation and microbially influenced corrosion within the injection system, it may not provide effective control of reservoir souring.

 Previous field experience and supporting laboratory studies, have demonstrated that THPS has the potential to control souring of fractured formations using conventional shot-dosing approaches. However, for lower permeability reservoirs dominated by matrix flow conditions, this approach may not be totally effective.

 An alternative approach for treating low permeability reservoirs is to dose THPS on a continuous basis at low concentrations.

 This paper describes the successful laboratory application of a formulated THPS product to control souring in a sand-packed bioreactor operating under a continuous dose regime.

 Key Words: THPS , Reservoir Souring, Continuous Dosing