11328 Top-of-the-Line Corrosion Under Low-Temperature and High-Condensation Rate Conditions

Thursday, March 17, 2011: 8:25 AM
Room 351 C (George R. Brown Convention Center)
Huimin Qin1, Lining Xu*1, Wei Chang2, Minxu Lu3, and Lei Zhang1
(1)University of Science and Technology Beijing; (2)CNOOC Research Institute; (3)Corrosion and Protection Center, Institute for Advanced Materials and Technology, University of Sciences and Technology Beijing
   Condensation of water from warm, humid gas to cold pipeline walls in transporting wet gas is regarded to play a significant role in TOL corrosion. The CO2 TOL corrosion behavior of carbon steel under low temperature range and high condensation rate conditions was investigated with autoclaves which had the function of condensation forming on samples simulating the subsea wet gas pipeline environment. One side of the carbon steel sample was exposed to water-saturated CO2 in the temperature range of 20 to 60°C at 0.8MPa, the other side was cooled to as lowest as 5°C which caused a relatively high condensation rate. The corrosion rate of samples was determined by weight loss measurements. The surface morphology and the composition of the corrosion product layers were analyzed by using surface analytical techniques (SEM and EDS). In addition, considerations regarding the impact of the condensation process on the corrosion products were discussed.