11269 Efficacy of Downhole Corrosion Inhibitor Treatment in Sweet Crude Producer Wells

Wednesday, March 16, 2011: 8:25 AM
Room 352 A (George R. Brown Convention Center)
Surya Prakash*1, Abdul Razzak Al-Shamari1, Amer Jarragh1, and Moavin Islam2
(1)Kuwait Oil Company; (2)Corrpro (a Subsidiary of Insituform Technologies Inc.)
For submission to NACE Corrosion Conference,

Control of Corrosion in Oil and Gas Production with Inhibitors in Harsh, Extreme, or Challenging Environments - TEG 184X

13-17 March 2011, Houston, Texas

Efficacy of Downhole Corrosion Inhibitor Treatment in Sweet Producer Wells

S. Al-Sulaiman[1], A. Al-Shamari[2], M. Islam[3], S.S. Prakash[4]


The downhole corrosion inhibitor treatment is necessitated when three factors coexist viz; water cut greater than 30%; presence of CO2 and a corrosion growth which is presented by corrosion log studies. There are generally two mitigations methods for corrosion control, Downhole corrosion inhibitor treatment and the selection of suitable Corrosion Resistant Alloy (CRA) for the tubing. Based on the time constraint and economics, the downhole corrosion inhibitor treatment plan is considered. In such scenario, the suitability of the selected corrosion inhibitor is tested by conducting compatibility tests with existing process fluids at laboratory. The corrosion inhibitor is then injected into the downhole with minimum shut – in period of the producing well.

In Kuwait Oil Company, trials for downhole corrosion inhibitor treatment were conducted based on the above mentioned three factors. The efficacy of the inhibitor was tested using special downhole corrosion rate measuring tools. A baseline data was collected from the well downhole using specialized downhole corrosion rate measurement tools prior to the inhibitor injection. Corrosion Inhibitor injection was then carried out using bull heading technique, a batch treatment process. The corrosion rate data was recorded for a period of 45 days as well as fluid chemical analysis was carried out including Iron counts.

Keywords: Downhole Corrosion, CO2, Corrosion Inhibitor, baseline corrosion data.

[1]Team Leader (N&W), Inspection & Corrosion Team, Kuwait Oil Company, Ahmadi, Kuwait. 

Tel: (965) 386-1977; Email: ssulaima@kockw.com

[2] Corrosion Specialist, Inspection & Corrosion Team, Kuwait Oil Company, Ahmadi, Kuwait. 

Tel: (965) 386-6394; Email: ashamari@kockw.com

[3]Project Director, KOC ICMS Project, Corrpro Companies Inc., P. O. Box 9525 Ahmadi 61006, Kuwait,  Tel: (965) 9774-1864; Fax: (965) 2386-6583; Email: mislam@corrpro.com; moislam@kockw.com

[4] Specialized Corrosion Engineer, Inspection & Corrosion Team, Kuwait Oil Company, Ahmadi, Kuwait.  Tel: (965) 386-6694; Email: sprakash@kockw.com